It’s Time to “Jaz the Halls”!
/Jaz has a big Facebook event coming up December 18th! Read more about it below...
It’s December and the Christmas holiday is marching closer and closer!
While I’m still touching up with cat-resistant decorating on the inside of my house, the outside is pretty much ready to go. Take a look in the photo below and tell me how you like my simple lights display.
[Jaz's Holiday Lights 2016 -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2016 BY JAZ PRIMO]
Speaking of decorating inside my home, I recently hanged three new pictures in various locations throughout the house. Check them out below!
This Wonder Woman picture hangs in my living room. Don’t you just love a strong woman hero hanging around the house? I sure do!
[Wonder Woman Picutre in Jaz's Home -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2016 BY JAZ PRIMO]
Here’s another Wonder Woman rendition that was signed by the original artist, Michael Champion. (Great last name, eh?)
[ANother Wonder Woman Picutre in Jaz's Home -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2016 BY JAZ PRIMO]
Here’s a photo of me standing with the artist on the day I bought the painting, too!
[Jaz with Artist Michael Champion -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2016 BY JAZ PRIMO]
Below is a WONDERFUL new picture denoting the changing look of Doctor Who’s Tardis over the years. It hangs prominently in my retreat where I can easily glance up at it while sitting at my keyboard.
[Jaz's Tardis Picture -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2016 BY JAZ PRIMO]
Speaking of Doctor Who, I recently purchased a Doctor Who Christmas themed t-shirt (shown below.) I love it, and will be wearing it ever so soon!
[Doctor Who Christmas T-Shirt -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2016 BY JAZ PRIMO]
During the upcoming holiday break, I’m excitedly anticipating FINALLY finding free time to spend at the keyboard writing on some creative projects.
Join Jaz for his Jaz the Halls event in Facebook on December 18 at 6:30pm (central). Link below!
And speaking of writing projects, here’s a chance to hear more about what I’m working on. Don’t miss out on my special holiday “Jaz the Halls” Facebook event scheduled for Sunday, December 18th beginning at 6:30pm (central). You’ll be able to learn more about some upcoming projects, as well as take part in general fun, festivities, and the opportunity to win prizes and special Jaz giveaways, too. You must attend! Here’s the link to the Facebook event, which you can join by clicking the “Join” selection at the upper right side of the screen.
It’s yet another great Platinum Book Reviews hosted production by the incomparable Vicki Rose!
All right, our time is up for today, but I’ll return soon with more interesting things to share. Take care and drop me a line to let me know what you’re most looking forward to for the upcoming holidays.
Until later, enjoy life; be kind to those around you, and Happy Reading! Peace.