Getting Ready for Halloween!
/(Halloween Picture -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)
Can you feel it in the air? The Halloween spirit is alive and well. At my college office, we’re like busy bees collecting Halloween décor items, and we’re decorating as soon as we have new things in hand. Take a look below at what we’re already set up. It’s awesome! (The photo at the top of this blog post is a picture that's just been hand-made and is hanging in my main office area. Thanks to Crystal for that!)
(Halloween Decorations #1 -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)
(Halloween Decor #2 -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)
I even have some small items on my office desk that bolster my cheerful Halloween spirit. The autumn has FINALLY arrived around here and I couldn’t be happier. Below you can see a sample of the beautiful scenery around my college campus. It was such an amazing day when I took this photo late last week!
(Rose State Campus -- PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)
Recently, I noticed that there is a place on the web where you can create a Peanuts cartoon character in your own image. They’re promoting the upcoming Peanuts movie that’s coming out in November, which I can’t wait to see because I’ve been a Charlie Brown fan since I was a kid. There was always something so identifiable about Peanuts that resonates deeply inside of me. Every holiday has a corresponding Peanuts animated feature to help bring us into the mood. I’m watching the Halloween special very soon, in fact!
Below you can see how I’d look as a Peanuts character. If you’d like to try one out for yourself, CLICK HERE .
(Jaz as a Peanuts Character -- Sort of like a Doctor Jaz Photo!)
Finally, my latest YouTube video for the week of October 4th is up and ready for your viewing! Watch it by CLICKING HERE . Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think. I talk about the pending Halloween season, my upcoming Halloween costume, some of my past costumes, and my review of two popular TV shows in a segment that I’m calling “Like It or Spike It.”
Until later, enjoy life; be kind to those around you, and Happy Reading! Peace.